Receive Your Inherent Identity, Dissolve Your Fears, And Experience Constant Connection With God

We help you hear and follow what God is calling you into.

There is an unmatched power that comes from being able to hear and live into who God knows you to be...

What do you think would happen in your life if you could genuinely hear God and had the courage to follow everything He invited you into? Can you imagine?

You might be afraid of such a quest... afraid of doing what it takes to be truly alive and free. But this fear is a good thing, because it's pointing you to the lies you are believing in.

And by learning the skill of receiving, you'll experience Christ alchemizing every fear into a deeper faith in Him and a stronger trust in who you really are.

This process starts by learning the Laws of Receiving. You can get started by learning the first law below...

Learn The First Laws Of Receiving

put your name and email below & get the first law sent to you...

© Leading with Thought, 2017-2025. All Rights Reserved.

Benefits Disclaimer: We've done our best to accurately represent how our programs at Inherent Identity can impact your life. However, we can't guarantee specific results. We don't diagnose or treat any conditions. We believe our ideas, tools, strategies, and recommendations work for most people who engage with our content, but there's no guarantee for everyone. Our approach is for educational purposes only and isn't a substitute for personal medical advice.